How can you quickly enlarge your penis at home and in what way to use?

The man surprised his girlfriend with a big penis

The stumbling block for many men is the size of their dignity.

Some even have a number of complexes about it and develop self-doubt.

However, there is a way out of any situation, and if the problem of penis size has arisen, then it is worth working hard to solve it.

Of course, you can work on yourself and accept yourself as you are, but not everyone succeeds and not everyone will be satisfied with this option.

Therefore, you can choose a more complex option - an increase in the member to the desired size. But how to quickly enlarge a penis at home? Let's find out in today's article.

It is real?

Penis size you want to enlarge

Before undertaking any business, the question arises about the realism of the result that is intended to be achieved. Penis enlargement on time is no exception.

Of course, everything is very individual and an unequivocal answer can never be given to any question related to health and changes in the body.

But if one person is successful, then there is a very high probability that the other will be successful.

Thosefactors on which the reality of the result depends:

  • the chosen method of penis enlargement;
  • a competent approach to business and, most importantly, as unemotional as possible;
  • precise application of the necessary measures and recommendations in relation to the chosen method;
  • well, without a strong desire to go anywhere on this matter.

In such a delicate matter,importantfirst of alldo not get hurtand choose a rational approach to business.

Magnification Methods

There are many ways, they all differ in the degree of efficiency, the speed of obtaining results and the cost.

Of the already proven and well-known methods used to change the size of the penis, the following can be recognized as the most appropriate:

  • penis enlargement pills;
  • gels, ointments;
  • you can enlarge the member with pomp;
  • extender

To understand the best way to increase a penis, you must first understandWhat does each one represent?. Let us consider in more detail.

Gels and ointments

Learn how easy it is to enlarge a penis without mechanical interventions. At first glance, gels and ointments are the easiest and most harmless way to adjust the size of dignity, but this is not so.

Since the action is happeningat the cellular levelusing various types of components and substances, thenthere is a great dangermake the wrong decision.

And to end up in the hospital, already undergoing treatment and restoration of at least what was available, instead of adjusting the size.

Therefore, when choosing an ointment or gel, you shouldNoteThe next points:

  1. Compound. The main point that should be studied both from the point of view of individual susceptibility for each, and on the properties of those components that are included in it. substances must bemaximum natural origin, or with a known effect, no doubt, if it is a synthesized chemical.

    Good gels contain substances such as Maca, Elastin, Goryanka, Thistle, amino acids and proteins.

    In general, everything that in some way can complete the cellular structures of the organism, or cause cell division, complementing them with nutrients to avoid the lack of resources for the growth of tissue structures.

  2. Product quality, or rather its authenticity and compliance with what is written on the package. It is quite difficult to verify this while sitting at home and making a purchase over the Internet, but it is possible. Choose a trusted site and request a tool. And it is better to find a real store where there are similar products in the assortment.

    Apply for certification on them, also examine their authenticity, checking all the necessary seals, registration numbers and contact details of the organization that issued this certificate.

    For greater reliability, you can contact this organization and clarify the authenticity of the document.

It's not important in any waydo not buy the product from hands or in doubtful placesand do not follow the low cost, you may come across a fake and get terrible consequences.

How to quickly enlarge a penis at home with gels and ointments? You can achieve the desired result.after a month of use, the method of which is indicated in the instructions for each drug individually.


To correct the size of the penis, there is a device called a pump. We will learn how to quickly enlarge the penis with the help of such a drug.

From the name, you can guess the principle of his work. existstwo varietiessuch a device:

  • vacuum pump;
  • Water Pump.

As follows from the name, the first works due to air pressure, the other - water.

Pump, which is available in any sex shopnot suitableto enlarge your penis, but only to create or make an erection stronger for a while. We are talking here about specialized pumps, the price of which is appropriate.

male penis enlargement pump

The pumps work becausecreate a special level of pressurethat affects the penis.

Such an effect causes an increase in blood flow and all processes in the organ, which contributes to growth. No contraindications have been identified for the use of such devices.

used pumpenoughsimply. It is worn on the penis, lubricated with a special tool, which is usually offered with it in the kit. The pressure is adjusted and this device is worn for the time necessary for the procedure, after which it is removed.

Consider the followingnuances during the procedure:

  • strictly observe the time of one session;
  • comply with the recommended degree of pressure;
  • if there is a feeling that it is possible to be with a pump and for a longer time than necessary, then it should be divided into several approaches, but for a shorter period of time;
  • do not use the pump without a special tool.

When using a pump, you should know that due to the principle of its operation,the penis will get biggerthan the increase in length. The thickening and enlargement of the penis does not happen quickly. With regular use, the width increases by 2-3 cm, and the length - up to 5 cm in six months.

So how can you quickly increase a member? Pay attention to the next section.

Extender, with which you can increase the penis in 3 months


Using an extender can promise resultsin three monthsafter the start of regular quality procedures.

They must be carried out strictly in accordance with what is indicated in the recommendations for use.

The most important nuance to rely on when using such a deviceno pain during the procedure. The only thing that is not harmful to the penis is a slight discomfort and an unusual state of penile sensitivity.

In no case should you carry out manipulations to increase the penis to the detriment of your health. Stop the procedure if sharp pain occurs and avoid it.

It is desirable to use the device.several times a day, dividing into small sessions by duration. The break can be from 15 minutes to several hours.

If possible, it is best to doat different times of the dayfor two hours. It is very important not to exceed the permissible norms during the duration of use of the device.

Exercises to enlarge the penis

There are many types of exercises for penis enlargement, ranging from the technique of stretching the cavernous bodies of the phallus tissues to jelqing. Even banal masturbation, like any other physical activity, will definitely give results.

The duration of the result depends on the general state of the body., the choice of a specific exercise technique and the regularity of execution. It can vary from several weeks to several months.

In this matter, it is important not to overdo the load and not to strive for an early increase in the intensity of execution. It is worth noting that the result will need to hold.

A man looks at his penis, wanting to increase its size.

Enlargement of the penis during intercourse

Penis enlargement occurs, in principle, regardless of the presence of an object of arousal, however, there are ways to do it.artificially.

in such wayscan be attributed:

  • pumps sold in sex shops;
  • special drugs in the form of tablets and sprays;
  • special rings.

Taking penis enlargementIt is worth rememberingthat not only the size determines the sensations during intercourse. The size of the penis does not replace the strength of desire, or excitement, or the ability to give pleasure, much less feelings.

Before quickly enlarging the penis, it is still advisable to think about the expediency of such an event, and most importantly, not to be disappointed after getting the desired dignity size.

If you are determined to increase the penis, you can choose the most suitable tool for yourself.