Massages designed to enlarge the penis should be done regularly. To enhance the effect of the procedure, you can also use a variety of drugs made in the form of creams and gels. Between massage sessions, it makes sense to use an extender.

Preparatory activities
Before a penis enlargement massage, it is recommended to cut your nails and wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap. After that, they begin to prepare the penis itself. The penis is brought into an aroused state, one hand is wrapped around the head of the penis and squeezed tightly. In this case, there should be no sharp pain sensations.
The penis is gently stretched to the sides until a slight tension arises. After completing the preparatory activities, they begin to massage. The procedure is less traumatic than using an extension tube or penis enlargement pump.
Massage techniques
There are a variety of methods to enlarge the penis. These techniques are contraindicated in the presence of pathologies of the cardiovascular system, diseases of the genitourinary system.
The jelqing technique is quite simple. The member is wrapped around the thumb and forefinger of one hand. Then you need to drive from the base of the penis to the glans for thirty minutes. After that, they change hands.
There are several varieties:
- dry jelqing;
- wetting, which is carried out under running hot water;
- wet with grease. When performing it, special preparations are used.
Thai massage
The enlargement of the penis with Thai massage helps to increase the erection. Before starting the procedure, the body is fully warmed up. In this case, you need to massage parts of the body such as shoulders, chest, neck, chest. Then you should go to the buttocks, which squeeze hard and slowly.

To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, it should also affect the area of the anus. This part of the body contains a large number of nerve endings.
After that, a massage is performed on the testicles, which are characterized by increased sensitivity to touch. Then it is recommended that the man adopt the doggy style pose and the partner massage his penis, starting from the head.
Thai massage to increase the length and girth of the penis should not be done on your own. A man needs to be completely relaxed.
Self-massage for penis growth
It is quite easy to enlarge the penis with a self-massage at home. The method includes the preparation and the procedure itself.
Before starting, the edge of the towel is soaked in warm water. They need to wrap the penis for 2-5 minutes. After that, the penis is towel dried.
The penis should be massaged in the following sequence:
- The penis should be squeezed firmly with the left hand and pulled slightly to the side. These actions take 3-5 minutes to complete. In this case, the intensity of the stretch should be increased gradually. After that, you need to take a three-minute break.
- The penis is clenched into a fist and makes circular movements (about twenty times).
- The member clenches his fist again, but the trajectory of the movements changes: right-left-up-down.
- In the final stage of the massage, the penis is gently kneaded over the entire surface. This will help normalize blood circulation.
Taoist technique
A massage designed to enlarge the penis, according to the Taoist technique, is performed as follows:
- Take a deep breath through your nose. When the air enters the lower abdominal region, they try to direct it towards the groin area.
- Three fingers of the left hand act on a point between the anus and the scrotum.
- Hold your fingers at this point, take a deep breath.
- With your right hand, you should rhythmically stretch the organ back and forth. The number of repetitions is 30 times. Stroke the head with your thumb until the penis begins to become aroused.
- The penis is then gently grasped at the base with the hand. Pull to the right and move clockwise (approximately 30-35 rotations).
- The massage, after which the penis is enlarged, ends with a light tapping of the penis, which is in an excited state, on the inner surfaces of the thigh.
Kegel technique
To improve the quality of intimate life, you need not only massage to enlarge the penis, but also perform Kegel exercises. They have a positive effect on the body: they increase erection, allow you to control ejaculation and increase the duration of intimacy, improve the state of the prostate gland and normalize urination. The essence of the exercises is to strengthen a special muscle, which is the link between the pubic bone and the tailbone.
It is recommended that a man hold the stream for a few seconds during the next urination while he flushes the toilet. It must be remembered which muscle is straining during this process.
In the future, it will be necessary to tighten and loosen this muscle, starting from 10 times (3 approaches per day) and up to the last 50 times. In this case, it is no longer necessary to be in the bathroom and urinate.
Side effects
The effectiveness of exercise and massage is beyond question. But when performing the proper procedures to increase the thickness of the penis, the following side effects can be observed:
- change in skin tone on the surface of the organ;
- the appearance of veins in the affected area. When performing the massage, blood circulation is activated, which causes vasodilation. As a result, they begin to protrude on the surface of the penis;
- the appearance of spots in the area of the head of the penis. They are reddish in color and visually resemble injection marks. If red spots appear during a massage that enlarges the penis, it is necessary to reduce the intensity of the exercise.

Massages and exercises to enlarge the penis are not recommended in the presence of the following pathologies:
- infectious diseases in acute stage;
- acute prostatitis and cystitis;
- the presence of diseases of the rectum;
- trauma to the genitals;
- the presence of damage to the skin of the penis.